Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tyranids - Part 2

Here are some more Tyranid shots. I've got access to a camera with a telephoto lens, but these shots were taken with the first. I'm not sure it will get better shots, but it might.

Anyways, here's the paints I used:
Scaly Green on the carapace.
Blood red on the eyes/tongue
Shadow grey on the talons/hooves
Dark Angels green drybrushed on the skin.
Scaly green thinned to basically water on the veins
Regal blue on the adrenal glands, thinned.

Monstrous scything talons. When I get time, I might replace them with rending claws. I haven't looked at 5th edition codex, so who knows.

One of my favorite models, and definitely will garner a lot more attention next time around. I painted him in >15 min I think, right before a tournament.

They always say tat not every model needs to be perfect, and that once you put them all on the table, those minor mistakes go away. I think these group shots kind of show that.

Half finished :(

Notice the broken talon on the foremost gaunt? I really need to go back and fix these guys up.

Looking at these photos reminds me that my marines don't have to be perfect. My painting has improved, and I don't have the same glaring missed spots. Still, maybe taking this lesson to heart will mean it doesn't take forever to paint a single marine.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Tyranids - Part 1

So, here's my first attempt at taking pictures of my models. I took pictures of all my painted Tyranids, and a couple that are suspended WIP. A few of the models have chipped and need to be retouched, but I don't know when I'll get to it.

These were my first attempt at painting a model. I originally wanted a dark green and white color scheme, but thought it looked a little lazy, so I drybrushed in the green skin.

First, a couple shots of the group:

Forgot to turn off flash.
These were a little blurry with all the models.

Back shot of my ravener.

Front shot; you can see a bit of shipped paint.

Biovore profile; I don't care if they suck, I love them!

That's all for now, but I have part two on the way!


Thursday, June 23, 2011

It Starts... (A Primer on Esh's hobby history)

Last year, I graduated college and moved from the East Coast to the West. As a way to stay in contact, my friend and I decided to start a blog to show each other our current WIPs. I'll be starting by putting up a few pictures of my previous models before getting to my current works, but this is a quick primer on my hobby history.

In high school, he and I entered the hobby together. I picked up tyranids, and he chose Imperial Guard. I had semi-played with a few models/books for a couple of years, but this was the first time I really started an army. We painted them up and led them to battle on basement floors and dining room tables. After a while, we entered a tournament at the local store. We expanded our armies, played more, and had a pretty good player base.

After playing with my tyranids for a while, I got tired of having no tanks and no heroes. While contemplating a change, 5th edition came out, and I decided to make the jump to a new army. I already had marines from Battle for Macragge, and with AoBR I decided to go with a tyranid hunter themed Ultramarines army. I've collected a lot of models, but have plenty to build and paint up. A few months after, we also got into a little bit of Warmachine. I started up Cygnar. Even though it's been a couple years, I've only managed to paint one squad of tactical marines and one warjack (real life and playing just gets in the way!). Well, I've resolved to be better in painting, and I've been holding myself to it.

So that's kind of a primer on my hobby status. tl;dr I've played a lot, I'm painting more now, and documenting the growth of my armies.
