Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Interesting FTW Articles

Hey all. I came across an excellent article from From the Warp, and thought I'd share.

Maximizing Your Rhino. I plan to use this soon. First, something I never thought of regarding vehicle murals/iconography: You can create a sketch, then rub pencil on the back of the sheet, trace the front and ball point pen, and voila you have an outline. He also covers building extra armor out of plasticard. There are also links to press molds and magnet guides. Worth a look if you play space marines, and maybe give you xenos players some ideas too.

While at it, I saw a short one titled 7 Quick Paint Tips: Great if you are a beginner, and worth looking at if you aren't.

Also, the Independent Characters just added a new section their podcast covering tactics and strategies. In the first segment, they began to define terms they will be using. I found their definition of logistics quite interesting.  They defined it as a sum of the following:

*Points allotted
*Force Org allotment
*(and here's where I had an ohh moment) Ability to transport to tournaments
*Ability to paint in the required timeframe
*Ability to purchase/ship new models in time for the game
*What can you afford to buy?

I hadn't thought about the metagame aspect affecting one's strategy but in reality it always does. I center my list on 3 Tac squads for a number of reasons (2 are required, and I like having a third scoring unit). Additionally, I happen to have three tac squads because of the cheap starter sets. I don't include drop pods (at the moment) because I can't afford them. Likewise, I don't have all my guys kitted out with awesome plasmaguns and meltaguns because I can't afford them.

Just something I've been thinking about.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shoutout, I'm glad the articles were helpful for you. I tried to get as much as I could into the Rhino one so folks could use it for inspiration.

    Ron, FTW
