Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Scheme: Finding the Right Blue (Ultramarines)

So this post will bring us to my current status. I had issues getting my gold to come out with consistency so that helped me put off painting for a while  When I started back up, I managed to paint the armor and gold trimming on the entire second squad before deciding that they were coming out too dark. I decided to use a new scheme, with a much lighter blue.

The last thing I need to decide before I move on is whether I prefer Cygnar Blue Highlight, as pictured, or do I want to see what Ultramarines Blue looks like?

Lighting is still being learned. When I get it figured out, I might repost some of this stuff, but I'll still put things up now.

Anyways, here's the current scheme:

Cygnar Base Blue in recesses.
2 thin coats of Cygnar Blue Highlight
Cygnar Blue Highlight : Morrow White 4:1 Highlight
Shining Gold on trim/aquila
Cold Steel for Silver areas (not drybrushed) (and battle damage)
Codex Grey to highlight gun
Blood Red for eyes/wax seal
Bleached Bone for Parchment
Snakebite Leather for Leather
Devlan mud on leather and parchment
Scorched Brown for base

With the finished squad; I think this shows exemplifies why I want the lighter scheme.

I changed up the way I paint the backpack up. I think the extra silver helps break up the sea of blue.

A shot with tabletop play in mind; helps put things in perspective for how much time to invest.

Another tabltetop shot

This was under my other light sources; more light, but it's all colored. If only Seattle got daylight!

Finally, someone else painted these in Ultramarine blue. I haven't seen UM blue up close, but I think it's too slate for me. Any opinions? Is it worth checking out?

And that's where I am currently; painting up my second Tactical squad with a brighter color scheme. Next time I sit down to paint, I'll get pictures of my WIPs, but it's not too exciting.


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