Friday, July 22, 2011

Ultramarines Tactical Squad - Half Finished

I finished up the first combat squad of the marines I'm working on.

Basing, Purity Seals, and Squad markings still need to be done, but the other details are finished.

Before I finish the squad, I've started making green stuff icons for the shoulder pads using this guide. It's going well enough. However, just in case I can't shape the icons well, I'm looking for kits with Ultramarine icons in them. Unfortunately, since I just moved away from everyone I know who plays, I probably won't be able to find someone who will hook me up with the bits.

The laurel turned out pretty well.

Tabletop style shot.

The one in the background was the test model.

Far left is the test model.

The squad in its entirety.

A new shot of the old scheme vs. new scheme.

I took some photos outside to try and counter the light bias. But when you live in Seattle, sunlight is hard to come by.

I went back and painted the scopes up.

So, a little more to finish up. After this squad, I think my next project is taking apart a built vindicator. Still have to figure out how I'm gonna pull that off. I've heard freezing it, but we'll see.


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